The Maths Innovation program is provided at GWPS to selected learners in Years 2 to 6. The program offers participants the opportunity to explore Mathematics from a number of perspectives, drawing on and enhancing the learning provided through the classroom curriculum. There is a strong focus on developing the proficiencies of Problem Solving and Reasoning whilst deepening understanding of concepts and sharpening Fluency skills.
The investigations undertaken as part of the program are designed to encourage questioning and curiosity and are based on the ethos that learning is deepened by engaging in the ‘struggle’ that occurs when learners approach challenging problems that do not have an ‘obvious’ solution. The practical purpose and applications to ‘real world’ problems is emphasised, with strong connections to other curriculum areas, in particular the other aspects of ‘STEAM’, Science, Technology, Engineering and Art.
The Maths Innovation program has an intake twice a year, at the start of Term 1 and Term 3. Based upon the needs of the year level, a number of small groups are established and run for the duration of a semester. Learners are eligible for entry into one group per calendar year and are selected based upon the learner’s interest in the program and their readiness for the program as seen through their assessment data and teacher observations.