Educational Intent:
Designed to maximise additional learning opportunities as students prepare for the Year 6 Graduation Ceremony and the Glen Waverley Primary School Production (held every 2nd year), the Graduation Movie Committee and School Production Committee focus on working with the medium of film and audio-visual production.
Combining elements of Literacy, Media Arts, and Digital Technology from the Victorian Curriculum, the program utilises targeted technical instruction in operating broadcasting equipment – such as video cameras, professional microphones, green-screen technology, mixing desks, and editing software.
Working collaboratively, students create a reflective ‘Graduation Movie’ to be shown at Year 6 Graduation (as part of the Graduation Committee), and audio-visual elements as required for the School Production (as part of the Production Committee).
Cost: There is no cost to the students for this program.
Selection Criteria:
These programs are available to Years 6 students only. There are limited places in this program and students are invited to a meeting during the first week of Term Three (for Production Committee in School Production Years), and Term Four (for Graduation Movie Committee) where the application process will be explained to them. Online applications are then open to all students within the given Year Level range, and are due to be returned on the Friday of that same week.
- Student selection is based on the strength of their application
- Student capacity will be confirmed with their classroom teacher to ensure that they will not be disadvantaged by being removed from their regular classroom program when participating in Multimedia Sessions.
- Focus will be given to offering a range of students an opportunity to participate, so students who were part of the program in the previous year may not be offered a place in a subsequent (second) year.