We are pleased to announce a new Football Star Academy (Soccer) Program available to students every Thursday Lunchtime and in the Gymnasium and Thursday After School under the COLA.
Football Star Academy's purpose – Is creating a movement of change for tomorrow's grassroots leaders. They do this through the following three principles:
1. LEARN: Children learn the skills of Football within a professional and safe environment through the academy. Skills learned in the sport are skills for life. These include team work, honesty, commitment, leadership and integrity.
2. LEAD: Our team leads the way through our community heroes, business partners, ambassadors and award-winning programs and systems.
3. GROW: Through our program children grow and develop into good human beings.
To register for lunchtime program please scan the QR code in the attached flyer - Click Here
Please note: There are 15 spots available to 5-7s & 15 spots available for 8-12s.
For all enquiries please contact: Johnny Lazaridis (Franchise Owner/Head Coach) on 0428 726 695 or via email at vic17.football@sportstaracedemy.com