Key features of the report cards
The Report Cards have:
- a chart with an A-E rating, showing your child's current progress against the expected state-wide standard as well as the progress they have made since the previous result
- a chart showing your child’s level of effort and class behaviour
- details about attendance
- easy to understand comments from teachers outlining what your child knows and can do
Benefits of the report cards
Student progress over time
The report card charts your child’s progress from the previous result to the current result. You will be able to see how your child progresses at school over time.
Written reports at least twice per year
You will receive regular information on the progress of your child, with written report cards distributed at the conclusion of each semester.
Improved partnerships between home and school
If your child is having difficulties at school, or is performing well above expectations, the teacher will implement an educational program to assist or extend your child. Parents are an important part of this process. When you know what extra assistance your child needs, you can get involved and work in partnership with the school. Schools will also continue to offer parent-teacher interviews for you to discuss your child’s progress in more detail.
About the A-E Common Reporting Scale
The A-E ratings and comments on your child’s report show what your child has achieved, not against the other students in your child’s class or year level, but against state-wide standards.
The report card’s A to E rating will tell you how your child is progressing against the expected standard. For example, a ‘C’ rating means your child is at the expected standard and that his or her learning is on track. The reporting scale has the following consistent meanings across the state:
A - well above the expected standard at this time of year
B - above the standard expected at this time of year
C - at the standard expected at this time of year
D - below the standard expected at this time of year
E - well below the standard expected at this time of year.