APLUS Schoolwear is a proud supplier of school uniforms to Glen Waverly Primary School.
Uniforms are stocked on campus. Shop Opening Hours (During Term) are: Monday 8.30am-10.30am & Wednesday 2.00pm-4.00pm.
Additional 2025 Opening Hours:
- Wednesday 29th January 2025 from 08.30am to 10.30am plus afternoon 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
All children must wear the School uniform. Our School is a 'Sun Smart' School and therefore school approved sunhats are to be worn at all times when outside during Terms 1 and 4. School approved sunhats can be purchased from the Uniform Shop. Other styles and colours of hats are not permitted.
The School gratefully accepts pre-loved uniforms, these will be used in the sickbay or provided as an option to families experiencing financial hardship.
Recommended foot wear is sturdy, lace-up runners. Black or White. Black leather shoes are the official uniform. However, due to sport being an integral part of our curriculum, it is felt that time spent changing shoes through the day is non-productive, especially in the junior grades.
Uniform Price List - Effective Term 4 2024
Uniform Shop Refund & Exchange Policy
Listed prices are GST inclusive and payments may be made by Cash, Cheque, MasterCard or Visa at the Office or the Uniform Shop.